Jun 21, 2019 | Inspiration
Lingering In Happiness An Inspiring Poem As today is the longest day of the year, the day where the sun is in the sky for the most time and celebrated as Litha the Summer Solstice, I thought an inspiring poem was in order. Before we Linger in Happiness, I...
Jan 29, 2019 | Inspiration, Personal Development
I recently came across this short story and I felt that it deserved to be shared. I take no credit for the production of this story, I originally read it on a Kundalini Yoga website by Guru Rattana. This short inspirational story has an interesting message. Perhaps...
Jan 10, 2019 | Inspiration, Personal Development, Quotes, Spirituality
These 7 faith inspirational quotes are taken from the book; “Think and Grow Rich”. You may have heard of this book originally written in 1937 by Napolean Hill. An inspirational read promoting a positive approach to life and that anything is possible! You...